Sunday, June 21, 2009

So How is June turning out?

Well am thrilled to say that I have won another eHow contest! I have just found out that I won $75.00 for an article that I published on, so please feel free to check it out if you have time!

This has really been such an exciting time for me, and I think things are really going my way now. I have been doing a bit of reading up on how to be more inspired, and I went out and got a "vision board". If you have not read "The Secret", I would suggest going out and giving it a try. I am trying it now and I'm going to see how things work out. I have on my board a picture of the CUTEST little HP Netbook, and it has been told to me that if you envision somthing it will come to you. I'll let you know how it all works out, but in the meantime, back to writing...

Hope this entry finds all who read it happy and healthy!

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